The Yin & Yang Of Life - How To Embrace Duality For Greater Happiness

The Yin Yang symbol contains a seed of wisdom that asks us to embrace ‘ALL OF LIFE’ with open arms and an open heart.   The Yin-Yang symbol (aka taijitu symbol) illustrates the balance between two opposites (perceived opposites) with a portion of the opposite element in each section.  So what does this tell us?

Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree.  For example, hot and cold may appear to be opposites at first glance, but in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing (temperature).  When does hot start and cold begin? 

It means that there are two sides to everything. Things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing.   They are complimentary forces that work together to create balance.  

On a deeper level this means that for anything to exist there must be an equal and exact opposite that exists along that spectrum.  Because polarities are interdependent, they need each other and neither is sufficient alone. Each side is accurate but incomplete without the other (two sides of the same coin). 

So how does this help us to embrace life?  When we are faced with something that is extreme we can look for its opposite which must also be present in the situation.  For example, when we are faced with a challenge, it means that by its very nature there must be an opportunity contained within the challenge.  One cannot exist without the other! If we feel ‘great fear’ then we also have the potential to feel ‘great courage’.  Leaning into that a bit more, can we even be  courageous without first knowing fear? 

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