The Shamanic Practice of Soul Retrieval for Full Energetic Alignment

Soul Retrieval is a Shamanic Practice for calling back our life force energy.   To many people it sounds either mysterious or worrisome, “how can I lose part of my soul?” - when it is in fact a healing practice centred in deep love and empowerment. 

The soul is the pure life force energy of a person.  It makes us who we are.

Your life force energy belongs to you and it is your Birthright to align with the full force and expression of all of the energy that is YOU.

During certain events in life, part of our life force energy can leave in order to remain safe.  This is a survival strategy.  Soul retrieval is a return of a part of a person’s pure life force or essence.  It is always associated with a return of power.  And the life force energy will have particular gifts associated with it.

One of the main reasons for soul loss is trauma.  A heightened strong event like an accident, illness or any form of abuse can cause part of our soul’s energy to leave. It can also occur in the mothers womb and also before birth.

Soul loss will manifest as a loss of power.  The person may experience chronic illness, depression, immune deficiencies, sleep difficulties, weakness, a feeling like ‘part of them is missing’.  It is common to hear “I was never the same after that event”.   It can show up as anxiety and/or feeling dissociated from the world.  

Soul retrieval brings the energy back to the person and to this time and place.   It is associated with a return of power and wellness.

This session involves hands-on energy healing and a shamanic journey to retrieve the soul parts.

To book a session with Sharon Marie or to find out more simply contact us on WhatsApp: +62 813 3890 6433

Sharon Marie Keating has 10+ years experience in the health and wellbeing industry, she is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner (Diploma: Shaman College Circle of Earth and Spirit), certified Hypnotherapist, certified Kinesiology Practitioner, certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant and Body-Mind Nutritionist, certified Time-line Therapy Practitioner, and Yoga Nidra Instructor. She also has expertise in a range of energy-related disciplines including Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Chakra Balancing.