Self love is the foundation from which we elevate our lives.  It provides the confidence to listen to our hearts, follow our dreams and to be an artist in the creation of our lives. 

Loving yourself means that you understand your value and what you bring to the world.   With full acceptance of your strengths and areas where you are still learning.  You treat yourself in a loving way and have self-compassion.  From this place, negative tendences of self-sabotage, negative habits, or holding yourself back will naturally fall away.   

Many of us carry wounds from our childhood, the media, school and other life experiences that impact our ability to truly love ourselves and embrace who we came here to be in this lifetime.

During this full day immersion we will spend 6.5hrs cultivating the pathway back to self love and radical self acceptance.

This will involve…

  • A Shamanic Journey and Hypnotherapy session to meet your inner child and re-parent the inner child to heal wound imprints.

  • Shadow work to meet those parts of you which are ready to come back into the light so you may integrate and release untapped energy and regain personal power.

  • Forgiveness healing meditations and exercises to forgive both the self and others.

  • Healing energy meditations to balance chakras and cultivate a strong foundation for allowing a deeper expression of your power.

  • Group hypnotherapy session for self love, confidence and living from the heart.

  • Shamanic Practices for setting intentions, grounding and integration

  • Personal Reflection exercises/journaling prompts

You will be provided with instructions on how to continue to integrate these practices after you leave.

How much does it cost?

The investment is 1.5 Million Rupiah (approximately US$100) and this also includes lunch from Unity Café (Gluten Free, Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly café located on site).  Limited numbers, 50 percent deposit required to secure your place.

Wednesday 10 July 10am - 4.30pm - Early Bird 1.3 Million by 1st of July

Wednesday 24 July 10am - 4.30pm - Early Bird 1.3 Million by 15th of July

Sharon Keating is a certified energy healer, hypnotherapist, kinesiology practitioner and Ayurvedic Lifstlyple practitioner.  She is known for both her deep healing work and her ability to create and hold a transformational,  safe, nurturing, space for healing.   You can read some reviews about Sharon here. And you can learn more about Sharon here.